Običajna cena
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Običajna cena
Cena na enoto
Translation missing: sl.general.accessibility.unit_price_separator 

Adults = 67,00 €

Children = 56,95 € (of age up to 15 years)

Davek vključen.

Še nikoli niste preizkusili soteskanja? V tem primeru je Sušec odlična soteska s katero začeti. Enostaven dostop po stari vojaški poti (20 minut hoje) nas hitro pripelje do vstopnega mesta. Soteska, ki jo je čez tisočletja oblikovala voda, vas bo zagotovo pustila brez besed. Drsenje po slapovih in skakanje v kristalno čiste tolmune vas bo povsem navdušilo nad to aktivnostjo in neokrnjeno naravo, ki vas obdaja. Izlet skozi sotesko traja približno 2 uri in se konča s spustom po najvišjem slapu, ki je visok 11 metrov. Nedvomno gre za eno najboljših družinskih aktivnosti, ki jih ponujamo.


Equipment is a very vital part of activities like canyoning. It provides you comfort and safety, that is why in Azimut Center we give you only the best of it. For canyoning with us, you only need to bring your swimwear, towel, dry clothes and sun cream. We will take care of everything else. We will give you 5 pieces of equipment - a helmet, neoprene suit, canyoning harness, neoprene socks and special canyoning shoes.    


Azimut Center is an official Canyoning Association of Slovenia Guide center. Canyoning is a beautiful sport as long as it is safe. This is why safety comes first with us; of course, fun is right after. But in order for you to really enjoy the beauties of canyoning, you need a guide, who will take care that the trip is firstly as safe as possible and secondly, that you will have fun every moment of it. All Azimut Center’s canyoning guides are professionally trained and have licenses as Wild water rescuers and Canyoning guides. 

Don’t worry, it’s simple! You come to our office in Tolmin, where you meet your guide, sign a waiver form, and get your canyoning equipment. Then we will drive you to the starting point in village Srpenica, where you start your adventure! Your towels, dry clothes, and other personal belongings, (except passports and larger amounts of money – you can leave them in the office), can stay in the van. Everything will await you at the parking spot at the end of the trip in Tolmin. You will change your dry clothes there, and we will drive you back to our office.


In Slovenia, a canyoning guide is unfortunately not a regulated profession, which means that practically anyone with a wild water rescuer license can take you on a canyoning trip, but according to the official opinion of the Slovenian Canyoning Association, they do not have sufficient knowledge to do so. All clients, interested in a guided canyoning trip are advised to request a guide with an up-to-date Slovenian Canyoning Association canyoning guide or assistant guide license from the company providing the activity (both licenses meet the standards for independent guiding of canyons leveled 1 - 3, which includes also the Sušec Canyon). The training of these guides is modeled on the former CIC international license, which was recognized in practically all Alpine countries and elsewhere in the world. Be your own fortune smith, choose safety!